Robin Pfaff


Robin Pfaff
Last Active
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  • Communication skills are a large part of customer service.  We have all interviewed candidates who have many good qualities and may be lacking in what we need in one of them, causing us to sway our decision to another candidate.  Because we happen t…
  •  "An employer may require that an employee be able to speak and understand English if the requirement is based on a business necessity."          If your business would suffer because of a lack of proper communication, I don't see wher…
  • There are also "debit" accounts available now.  Many of the tax agencies are using them for tax refund deposits.  Then you can set them up to have your paychecks deposited directly to them.  We need to keep in mind that there could be a stigma invol…
  • I agree, of course, to check with your company's attorney.  I would wait until WC sends a denial of claim.  Once she has exhausted all means of possible "disability", I would simply send her a certified letter giving her a chance to return to work b…
  • Our company has written into our policy restricting cell phone usage to the lunch hour and break time.  We are a Woodworking Manufacturer and it's strictly enforced due to the safety issues involved.  There were a few attempts to get around this by …